David Fletcher (London Guildhall University, UK)

Contact details:

Department of Politics and Modern History,
London Guildhall University,
Old Castle Street,
London E1 7NT

Tel: +44 (20) 7320 1025

E-mail: fletcher@lgu.ac.uk


My research is on the history of cartography and although trained as a geographer, I am now a History lecturer. I graduated in Geography from St. John's College, University of Oxford in 1982. My Ph.D. thesis was entitled "Estate Maps of Christ Church, Oxford: The emergence of map-consciousness c. 1600-1840." My supervisor was Professor Roger Kain, Professor of Geography. The Ph.D. was awarded in July 1990. From September 1990 to August 1992 I was Tutor in Geography at the University of Exeter. In September 1992 I took up the post of Lecturer in Geography at City of London Polytechnic, subsequently renamed London Guildhall University. In 1998 I became a Senior Lecturer in History having been re-deployed at the same institution.

Selected Publications:

D.H. Fletcher, The emergence of estate maps: Christ Church, Oxford 1600 to 1840, Oxford University Press, 1995.

D.H. Fletcher, "Mapping and estate management on the early-nineteenth century estate: The case of the Earl of Aylesford's estate atlas." Archaeologia Cantiana 109 (1991) 85-109

D.H. Fletcher, "Map or terrier? The example of Christ Church, Oxford, estate management, 1600 - 1840". Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers NS 23 (1998) 221-237.

D.H. Fletcher, "The Ordnance Survey')s nineteenth century boundary survey: Context, characteristics and impact" Imago Mundi 51 (1999) 131-146.

D.H. Fletcher, "The Archive of the Invisible: The Ordnance Survey's Boundary Record Library" Archives (forthcoming).

Current Research

I currently hold a British Academy research grant. The project title is ‘The History of Parish Boundary Records in England: Documents and their Significance.')

Other Research:

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