Stefan Fogelvik (City Archives of Stockholm, Sweden)

Contact details:

Stockholms stadsarkiv,
St Eriksgatan 121,

Tel: +46 8 728 34 50

Fax: +46 8 736 08 22



I started my academic life at the department of Human geography at the University of Stockholm where I graduated in 1971. After that I worked at the department in various positions from 1971 - 1985. My focus of interest have been on time-space information systems and also was the theme for my dissertation (Man and landscape - methods for studying society and societal changes) 1979. From 1980 to 1985 I had a part time engagement at the Stockholm Historical Database, a division within the City Archives of Stockholm. Since 1985 I have been working fulltime there first as head of computer department and at present as a member of staff.

Selected publications:

S. Fogelvik, G. Johansson, 'Databasen Rotemannen'(The Roteman Database), i Arv och anor, Årsbok för Riksarkivet och Landsarkiven 1996, (Västervik 1966)

S. Fogelvik, 'The Map and the Roteman System - Geographic Information in the Roteman Archives. A useful approach?', M. Goerke, ed., Coordinates for Historical Maps, Band A25 in Halbgraue Reihe zur Historischen Fachinformatik, Max Planck-Institut fûr Geschichte, (St.Katharinen 1994)

S. Fogelvik, 'HISTLAB- a History Laboratory', J.Oldervoll, ed., Eden or Babylon?, Band A13 in Halbgraue Reihe zur Historischen Fachinformatik, Max Planck-Institut für geschichte, (St.Katharinen 1992)

S. Fogelvik, 'FICHE & CHIPS- Dissemination of Historical Data. The experiences of the Stockholms Historical Database, P.Doorn - C. Kluts -E. Leenarts, ed., Data, Computers and the Past, CAHIER VGI 5, (Hilversum 1992)

S. Fogelvik, 'The Stockholm Historical Database at Work', P. Denley, S. Fogelvik, C. Harvey ,ed., History and Computing II, (Manchester 1988)

S. Fogelvik, 'Rotemansarkivet, datorn och användaren'(The Roteman Archives, the computer and the user), S. Sperlings, ed., Studier och handlingar rörande Stockholms historia VI, (Stockholm 1988)

S. Fogelvik, 'The Archive at your desk - a new laboratory', J. Genet, ed., Standardisation et échange des Bases de Données Historiques, (Paris 1988)

S. Fogelvik, 'Interaktion mellan användare och dator'(Interaction between the user and the computer), DATALÄR 87, del 2 (Stockholm 1987)

S. Fogelvik, 'Stockholms historiska databas och SAS - ett historiskt laboratorium'(The Stockholm Historical Database and SAS - a historical laboratory), SUGS '85 Proceedings, (1985)

S. Fogelvik, Kartan i datorn - den levande samhällsinformationen'(The Map in the computer - the living societal information), YMER 1984, Kartan i samhället, Svenska sällskapet för Antropologi och geografi, (1984)

S. Fogelvik, S. Sperlings, 'Using individually Based Historical Data for Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences - examples from the Stockholm Historical Data Base', in.: R.F. Allen, Data Bases in the humanities and Social Sciences, Paradigm press, (1985)

S. Fogelvik, T. Gerger, G. Hoppe, 'Man, Landscape and Society - an information system', Stockholm studies in Human Geography , Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, (1981)

S. Fogelvik, 'Man and Landcsape -methods for studying society and societal changes', Kulturgeografiskt seminarium 2/79, (1979)

S. Fogelvik, ' Kvantitativ landskapsanalys - att beskriva landskap med siffror'(Quantitative Landscape analysis - discribing landscape by numbers) , Kulturgeografiskt seminarium 1/79, (1979)

S. Fogelvik, 'Det föränderliga kulturlandskapet'(The Changing Cultural Landscape), Kulturgeografiskt seminarium 9/78, (1978)

S. Fogelvik, G. Hoppe, 'Lägesbestämning av boställen'(Digitizing the geographic location of settlements), Kulturgeografiskt seminarium 3/76,(1976)

S. Fogelvik, 'Kulturlandskapsomvandlingen - en beskrivningsmodell'(The Changing Cultural landscape - a descriptive model), PLAN 1973:3, (1973)

Stefan Fogelvik: Some Current activities:

Life in an urban setting: The people of Gamla stan and Södermalm in Stockholm, 1878-1926.

This project is a joint venture between the City Archives of Stockholm and the History department at the University of Stockholm. It involves the add on of geographic codes, coordinates etc on more than 2.500.000 entries of single individuals in the Roteman Archives to enable geographic extraction, analysis and presentation on migration and socio-economic changes over time on a local, regional, national and international level.

The Historical Laboratory.

In co-operation with the School authorities in Stockholm we are setting up the Historical Laboratory website utilizing the Stockholms highspeed EDU-net. We will provide Archival material for student excercises and laborations and in this the map will be an important component as a user interface and information provider as well as presenter.

Current research interests:

My own research interests at present are both methodological and applied. Migration captures the applied side of it and can be summarised with the following 'Changing migration patterns in a dynamic Urban Setting', 'Urban Dynamics' and 'Destination Stockholm - inmigration to Stockholm'. The methodological interests focus on using the map to visualise changing spatial patterns over time and also use the map as a user interface in various ways.


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