Kari J. Pitkänen (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Contact details:

Department of Sociology, Population Research Unit,
P.O. Box 18 (Unioninkatu 35)

Tel: +358-9-1912 3895

E-mail: Kari.Pitkanen@helsinki.fi


When I started my university studies at the University of Helsinki in 1971 I chose history as my major subject. I soon became interested in historical demography and began my slow drift toward demography. Although I studied also social sciences, I graduated in history from the University of Helsinki in 1976. I had already become a research assistant in the Department of Economic and Social History that is a department inclined to "social science history" at the University of Helsinki. I made a long career in the department, first as a junior research scientist and then as a senior research scientist and instructor. In most of my research I focussed on historical demography or long-term demographic developments using the high quality Finnish demographic materials. I obtained my Ph.D. from Helsinki in 1993, on the subject of ‘Deprivation and Disease: Mortality during the Great Finnish Famine of the 1860s’. In the same year I became a Project Leader at the newly established Population Research Unit in the Department of Sociology. I became an Associate Professor in 1997, and then a Full Professor of demography in 1999.

Much of my present research activities deal with modern demography, but demographic history is a field I continue to cherish. I am the president of the Finnish Demographic Society.

Selected Publications:

J.H. Mielke, L.B. Jorde, P.G. Trapp, D.L. Anderton, K. Pitkänen, and A.W. Eriksson, ‘Historical epidemiology of smallpox in Åland, Finland: 1750-1890’, Demography, Vol. 21 (1984), pp. 271-295.

K. Pitkänen, Väestöntutkimus ja yhteiskunta. Suomalaisen väestöntutkimuksen historia 1700-luvulta noin vuoteen 1950 (Demography and the Society: The History of Finnish Population Research, 1750-1950), (Publications of the Finnish Demographic Society, Vol. 11, Helsinki), 223 pp.

K.J. Pitkänen, J.H. Mielke, and L.B. Jorde, ‘Smallpox and its eradication in Finland: Implications for disease control’, Population Studies, Vol. 43 (1989), pp. 95-111.

A. Häkkinen, V. Ikonen, K. Pitkänen, and H. Soikkanen, Kun halla nälän tuskan toi: Miten suomalaiset kokivat 1860-luvun nälkävuodet (When the Frost Brought the Agony of Hunger: Mentalities of the Finns during the Great Famine of the 1860s), (WSOY, Porvoo-Helsinki-Juva, 1991), 336 pp.

K.J. Pitkänen and M. Laakso, ‘The reliability of Finnish mortality statistics: a historical review’, in J. Alho (ed.) Statistics, Registries, and Science: Experiences from Finland (Statistics Finland, Helsinki, 1999) pp. 5-37.

K. Pitkänen, S Koskinen, and T. Martelin, ‘Kuolleisuuden alue-erot ja niiden historia’ (Regional differentials in mortality in Finland: past and present), Duodecim, Vol. 116 (2000), in press.

Kari J. Pitkänen: Current Research

My research deals mostly with modern trends in family formation, and the most important materials are the individual-based demographic and other administrative registers. In addition to this I continue with my studies on historical demography. All ongoing historical research focus on long-term developments in Finnish demography and their regional differentials. This line of research should make it obvious why I am interested in the changing boundaries of various reporting units. Two of my research projects are of interest in this context:

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