Luís Silveira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)

Contact details:

Departamento de História, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Av. de Berna 26-C

Tel: +351 (21) 7933919



Graduate in History in 1977 from the Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa

Ph. D. in Modern Economic and Social History in 1989 from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Lecturer (assistente eventual), Department of History, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1978

Reader (?) (assistente), Department of History, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 1980

Prof. Auxiliar, Department of History, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, from 1989

Selected Publications:

Revolução Liberal e Propriedade. A Venda dos Bens Nacionais no Distrito de Évora (1834-1852), [Liberal Revolution and Property. The Disentailment in the District of Évora (1834-1852)], Lisboa, 1988. Ph. D. thesis

La Desamortización en Portugal [The Disentailment in Portugal], in Rueda, Germán (ed.) - La Desamortización en la Península Ibérica, Madrid, Ayer, nº 9, 1993, pp. 29-60

Mapping Portuguese Historical Boundaries with a GIS, in Boonstra, Onno; Collenteur, Geurt e Elderen, Bart van - Structures and Contingencies in Computerized Historical Research, Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren, 1995, pp. 245-252. With Margarida Lopes and Cristina Joanaz de Melo

Poder Central, Poder Regional, Poder Local. Uma Perspectiva Histórica [Central, Regional and Local Powers. A Historical Perspective], Lisboa, Cosmos, 1997

Território e Poder. Nas Origens do Estado Contemporâneo em Portugal [Territory and Power. At the Origins of Modern State in Portugal], Cascais, Patrimónia, 1997, book and CD-Rom

A Administração do Estado em Portugal no Século XIX [State Administration in Portugal in the 19th Century], in Los 98 Ibéricos y el Mar, tomo III, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal Lisboa 98, 1998, pp. 317-333

Espaço, Relações de Poder e Elites na Construção do Estado Liberal. Portugal no Contexto Ibérico, [Space, Power Relations and Elites in the Construction of Liberal State. Portugal in the Iberian Context] in Casmirri, Silvana and Suárez Cortina, Manuel (eds.) - La Europa del Sur en la Época Liberal. Españ a, Italia y Portugal, Una Perspectiva Comparada, Santander, Universidad de Cantabria/Università di Cassino, 1998, pp. 105-129

Luís Silveira: Current Research

The GIS Application on Portuguese Administrative Boundaries (1826-1842)

Beginnings: I began working with GIS software in 1993 in the context of a project on Tithe and Agricultural Production in Portugal in the Beginning of the 19th Century. The data we wanted to map were the outcome of a survey launched in 1836 on the tithes collected in the years 1827-1831. The difficulty of the task resulted from the fact that between 1832 and 1836 Portuguese administrative system was submitted to a radical change from which the contemporary system would be born. The use of a GIS proved to be an adequate instrument to deal with this problem.

Results: in the context of this project we produced a complete set of maps covering the area of Portuguese State in Europe, ranging from the parish to the province, for the years 1826 (the Ancien Regime), 1834 (the Liberal Revolution) and 1842 (the relative stabilization of the administrative map). The project was presented at the AHC-Workshop on "Coordinates for Historical Maps" held at the European University Institute in Florence on 1994. The methodology was described in a paper given to the IX International Conference of the AHC and published in 1995 (see above Mapping Portuguese Historical Boundaries with a GIS). The final results were published on a book and a CD-ROM (see above Território e Poder) were I tried not only to present the cartography but also to understand the changes in the administrative map in the context of the revolution in State institutions.

The project on Portuguese Population Censuses from the First Half of 19th Century

Origin: having produced a GIS application that reasonably solved the problem of comparing data referred to changing administrative units it seemed obvious that we should proceed this line of research applying the system to other fields. The change in the administrative system brought by the Liberal Revolution had always been a major obstacle to the construction of coherent data series in Historical Demography. The problem had been acutely felt since we have a good, though unpublished, population census dating from 1801. The recent discovery of another census for 1849 made the project on Portuguese Population almost inevitable.

Goals: we committed ourselves to publish a printed version of the above mentioned censuses of 1801 and 1849 and a digital version – probably an Internet one - including the cartography.

Results: The project begun in January 1998 and is coming to its end. The databases are already prepared and next April we hope to be able to produce the final maps.

The project on Land Use Evolution in Alentejo since the 19th Century

From 1994 to 1997 I was a member of the multidisciplinary research group on Land Use Evolution in Alentejo since the 19th century. Alentejo is a southern Portuguese province, the latifundio region.

Results: based on the published sheets of the Agricultural and Forestry Map of Portugal (1891-1910) (Carta Agrícola e Florestal de Portugal) we prepared a digital land use map covering a significant part of the province.

Personal Research:

Bibliography on Portuguese Modern History: I’m currently working on this Internet project, which involved not only the preparation of the database but also the construction of a thesaurus on Portuguese Modern History. Part one, covering the period of 1790-1910, is expected to be available before the summer.

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