Project: Social and Cultural History of Turkey

(A) Background, personnel and funding

Q. Name of project

Türkiyenin Sosyal ve Kültürel Tarihi

Q. Name of project IN ENGLISH

Social and Cultural History of Turkey

Q. Principal researcher(s)

Yusuf HALAÇOĞLU, Prof. Dr. , President, Turkish Historical Society
Prof. Dr., Department of History, Hacettepe University
Özer ERGENÇ, Prof. Dr., Department of History, Ankara University.
Ramazan ACUN, Assistant Prof. Dr., Department of History , Hacettepe University.

Q. Who can/should be contacted now, and how?


Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halacoğlu

Postal Address:

Türk Tarih Kurumu Başkanlığı, Sıhhiye/Ankara, Turkey

E-mail Address:


Web site:


Q. When did research begin?


Q. Is the project still in existence?

This is an ongoing project. Current support ends in 2002.

Q. What institution(s) was the project based in?

Türk Tarih Kurumu (Turkish Historical Society)

Q. How many people were/are employed, and for how long? Were these people recruited specially for the project, or were they already employed by the institution(s)?

Currently two persons employed for data entry. They were already employed by the institution.

Q. How much did the project cost? (please give cost in local currency and (Euros and/or US dollars).

About 300,000 USD for five years.

Q. Who paid for the project?

Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı (DPT ) ( State Planning Agency)

Q. If the project is still underway, has all necessary funding to complete the project been raised?


Q. How easy has it been to raise the money?

There has been a good overlap between the objectives of DPT's social research section and that of the project.

Q. Other than raising the money, what are the biggest problems your project has faced?

Collecting data from the field as well as from the archives is difficult and subject to cumbersome bureaucratic procedures.

Q. Have there been any pleasant surprises in the course of the project?


Q. How likely is it that further funding might be raised within your country for a collaborative European project?

My initial impression is that there is an understanding for the need for a colloborative European project. Bu when it comes to raising money pirorities will come into play.

(B) Project Goals

There are two database projects running in parallel. The first project concerns the creation of an electronic inventory of immobile cultural objects in Turkey from ancient times to present. Several teams of experts consisting of art historians, historians and architects are on the field gathering information on every and each one of the objects that they can find such as historical buildings and grave stones using a provisional data collection standard. These data are then entered into a custom designed database capable of storing and manipulating multi-media data (i.e. data consisting of text, images, and video)

The other project aims to create an integrated database containing data from serial historical documents mainly from the Ottoman Empire, such as tax registers, court records and population censuses in order to do research on social and economic change in Turkey.

The Final goal of the project is to create an electronic cultural atlas of Turkey

Q. What geographical area is covered by the project? What is the MODERN legal status of this area? (i.e. is it a nation state, a province of a nation state, etc). If the area currently lacks a legal definition, when was it defined and by whom?

The Ottoman Empire and the Modern Turkey

Q. Does the project aim to reconstruct boundaries at a series of dates:


Q. What is the earliest date covered by the project?

For mapping it will start from the date boundary data are available, that is 15th century.

Q. What is the latest date covered by the project?


Q. What systems of units are included? (NB list ALL the types of unit included)

Karye (village), Nahiye, Kaza, Sancak, Eyalet.

Q. What is the project's final product?

An historic boundary GIS to access other digital resources such as inventory of immobile cultural objects and census records.

Q. What other publications has your project produced? In particular, please give details of any publications on methodology, and any publications in other languages?

(C) Sources

(D) End Product

(E) Linked Gazetteers and other Meta-Data

(F) Preservation, Dissemination and Intellectual Property Issues

The rest of the questions are not applicable because the mapping part of the project has not yet started.

© Ramazan Acun (Hacettepe, May 2000)

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