Other Data Tables

The following tables hold raw data from sources other than the Annual Reports: These are particularly important as sources of members' ages.

Table 'reg_book'

Function:Holds information taken from the SEM's manuscript Registration Books, containing information on age, trade and marital status for members on their admission to the unions.
Coverage:All pre-1900 entries in the first of the five volumes. The period covered is unclear, as most of the initial entries are for 1853 but the book includes men joining as early as 1836; similarly, the main sequence of entries run up to 1893 but others from the 1900s were not input.
Size:5,322 records.


  1. We thank the Modern Records Centre (Warwick U.) for loaning the volume.
  2. These data were input into Filemaker Pro then bulk-loaded into the main database.

Field Name ContentsUsage
rb_idInteger Unique identifier for each entry in the book. Indicates order of entries and permits related information in the 'rb_event' table to be linked.
bookInteger (all current entries are '1') Volume from which entry was transcribed. All current data comes from MRC Accession number MSS.259/SE/2/1/1.
br_nameText (70 chars.) Name of branch where admitted.
branchBranch Branch where admitted (standard code).
[name]Name Member's name.
ageInteger Age at admission.
tradeText (70 chars.) e.g. 'fitter', 'turner'.
m_statusText (1 char.): legal entries are:

S Single
M Married
W Widowed

Marital status, as given in Registration Book (NB 'W' code is unused).
[date]Date Date of admission.
commentText (512 chars.) Comments relating to initial entry (NB for info. re. subsequent history see 'rb_event'.
rb_seqInteger Unique key value, added while bulk-loading the data; runs in sequence, unlike rb_id, and used in checking data.
mem_recRecord_ID The RECORD_ID of the entry in 'members' for the year/branch first joined.
memberRecord_ID Unique ID for member, added later.

Table 'rb_event'

Function:Holds information concerning subsequent events listed in the SEM Registration Book. Most entries in the books contain no such information, but in some cases information about up to five subsequent events appears. This table can be used to make further linkages.
Coverage:All pre-1900 entries in the first of the five volumes.
Size:2,125 records.


  1. These records add information to records in the 'reg_book' table to which they are linked by the 'rb_id' field. Some events, such as death or re-admission, can be used to extend the linkage of major clusters of records, most obviously where a man left and re-joined - without the Registration Book, there would be no certain way of knowing it was the same man, not two different men with the same name.
  2. Much of this information is messy and incomplete, so use with care.

Field Name ContentsUsage
rb_idInteger Unique identifier for each entry in the book. Links 'rb_event' to 'reg_book'.
eventInteger (1-5) Sequence number indicating placing of this event within those given for this entry in the Registration Book; to be used to present data in the original order.
typeSingle character. Legal entries are:

D Died
E Excluded
L Left the trade
M Miscellaneous
P Payment
R Re-admitted
S Superannuated
W Wife died

Nature of event. NB 'Miscellaneous' is rare, as the more specific codes are comprehensive.
[date]Date Date of event. NB in many cases only the year, or the month and year are given.
placeText (70 chars.) Place where event occurred; usu. indicates moves to another branch.
detailText (512 chars.) Other details given in register. NB many entries would be fully covered by the code in the type field and the date.
mem_recRecord_ID The RECORD_ID of the entry in 'members' to which the event can be connected; to be added by linkage
clusterRecord_ID Cluster ID, copied from the entry in 'members' pointed to by mem_rec.
memberRecord_ID Unique ID for member, added later in linkage.

Table 'ase_reg'

Function:Holds information taken from the Amalgamated Society of Engineers' Registration Book. Many members of the SEM transferred to the ASE on the creation of the latter union in 1851 (which explains the disruption to the union in that year and the break in the sequence of Annual Reports). In principle it includes all such ex-members of the SEM, plus a selection of men joining the ASE by other routes; these latter were included to permit research on other early unions.
Coverage:A complex sampling strategy was adopted, mixing a strict random sample to characterise the book as a whole, an alphabetical sample of pre-1852 members and all members listed as having been initially admitted into the 'Engineers' or the 'SEM' (see the 'random_s', letter_s' and 'in_sem' fields). The last criteria was intended to include all men who are relevant to the SEM database, although some SEM members may have left the SEM and then joined another union and be listed there.
Size:800 records.


  1. In 1978, I located a Registration Book covering the early years of the ASE in the AEU offices at Peckham and transcribed some of the entries, including those of former SEM members; the book lists members by their initial admission to either the ASE or any of its predecessors. These records provide ages, and appear to be the only source of admission dates for the SEM pre-1850.
  2. The data were loaded into the SEM database and this description written in June 1995. At the same time, the Registration Book was found again at Peckham and some further data entry work carried out, covering all men who joined any component union before the end of 1841.
  3. Strictly speaking, only records with a value of 'in_sem'=1 should be seen as part of the SEM database.

Table 'ase_reg':

Field Name ContentsUsage
br_nameText (40 chars.) Name of branch where admitted.
branchBranch Branch where admitted (standard code).
[name]Name Member's name.
age_yInteger Age in years at time of admission
age_mInteger Any months stated as part of age at time of admission
ageFloat Age at time of admission; calculated from age_y and age_m.
u_nameText (24 chars.) Name of union originally joined. (NB 'union' is an INGRES reserved word)
tradeText (16 chars.) Branch of trade (skill) to which man belonged. NB where the record comes from the original sample gathered in 1978, this was originally entered as a single letter code and has been converted back to a full statement when the data were loaded into INGRES, so may not be an exact transcription.
m_statusText (1 char.): legal entries are:

M Married
S Single
W Widowed

Marital status.
[date]Date Date of event. NB in many cases only the year, or the month and year are given.
random_sInteger (Flag: 0 or 1) Value=1 if record was included as part of random sample (208 entries selected by page and line number).
letter_sInteger (Flag: 0 or 1) Value=1 if admission was before 1/1/1852 and surname begins with 'S' (all such entries were transcribed).
in_semInteger (Flag: 0 or 1) Value=1 if record was included because man was apparently an SEM member (all entries where union='ENGINEERS' or 'SEM').
pre_1841Integer (Flag: 0 or 1) Value=1 if record was included because the man joined before the end of 1841; all such records are being transcribed.
commentText (128 chars.) Other information from the original register; usu. indicating subsequent history, e.g. death or expulsion.
ar_seqInteger Unique identifier, added when data loaded into SEM database.
mem_recRecord_ID The RECORD_ID of the entry in 'members' to which the event can be connected; to be added by linkage
memberRecord_ID Unique ID for member, added later.

Table 'd_cert'

Function: Holds information taken from Death Certificates of SEM members, including age and cause of death.
Coverage:Most SEM members dying whose death was recorded in the union's reports but without age or cause of death information.
Size:167 records.


  1. The SEM reports gave the name of the members, the date of their funeral and the branch they belonged to, permitting registered deaths with the right name, date and locality to be identified in the indexes to the registers of deaths available at St. Catherine's House. The only way to obtain further information (age and cause) was to buy the certificates. Where members had common names, multiple certificates had to be bought and the correct one identified by occupation (some form of engineer) and age (SEM members were adults while many duplicate certificates covered infants).
  2. Each death certificate cost £5.00 in 1989, so this may be one of the most expensive data sets of its size in existence! Purchase of the certificates was funded by the Wellcome Trust.
  3. The 'cause' field often ends with 'CTD.' or 'NOT CTD.', indicating whether or not the information was certified by a doctor.

Field NameContents Usage
[name]name The name of the person dying.
[date]date Date of death (NB this may be different from the date of the funeral).
reg_distText (40 chars.) Name of Registration District where death occurred.
ageInteger Usually a round number of years.
occupText (60 chars.) e.g. 'Fitter', 'Turner'.
placeText (140 chars.) Place of death: may be precise street address.
causeText (140 chars.) Cause of death
dc_seqInteger Unique identifier, added when data loaded into SEM database.
mem_recRecord_ID A pointer to the entry in the members table for the relevant member in the year and branch where he died; used to associate the data with the main database.
memberRecord_ID Unique ID for member, added in linkage.

(c) Humphrey Southall, 1997

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